Dutch Money

The Fine Print


When you redistribute, publish, store or print any of the banknote images you are bound by the 'Conditions for the reproduction of Dutch banknotes' (English) / 'Voorwaarden voor het afbeelden van Nederlandse bankbiljetten' (Dutch).
Conditions covering coins are unknown.

De Nederlandsche Bank (The Dutch National Bank), nor any of the banknote-designers mentioned, was and is not involved with the main content of these pages. Any opinion expressed on these pages are the editor's own opinions and may not reflect the opinion of the Dutch National Bank or one of the banknote-designers.

Money Laundry

Logo of the Dutch National Bank All Dutch coins and banknotes, logos, frames from the documentary 'Levensloop van een Bankbiljet' and the Conditions text:
© De Nederlandsche Bank (The Dutch National Bank).

Non-Dutch banknotes:
© their respective national banks or other copyright holders.

Compilation and web-design:
© René G.A. Ros

Copyrights for some other pictures are listed on the page the picture is used on.

The copyrights are acknowledged and the displayed coins and banknotes are only used in an editorial fashion and to the benefit of the copyright holder with no intention of infringement of the copyright. The displayed pictures are not intended nor suited for publication and/or using as if they are genuine banknotes.

Image processing

The images of banknotes on these pages are not modified after scanning. Coins were electronically polished only. Text of the other side of a banknote may shine through, colour isn't a perfect match and some coins and banknotes show signs of usage.
None of the anti-fraud measures has been removed. So, when a banknote originally has a metal coloured spot, a large black spot appears on the scanned image. You may also notice some interference lines appearing in some areas of the banknote images. Most watermarks aren't visible either.
The images are reduced/enlarged for proper display. In reality the banknotes are between 7 and 8 centimetres (2.7 and 3.2 inches) high. The diameter of all coins is listed along with their images. The images are all 72 dpi images so printing them would result in a low-quality, but nonetheless recognisable and illegal, copy.

Foreign banknotes

The use of foreign banknotes is only to give a few examples. The banknotes were chosen more or less randomly from several banknotes the author had available. Usage is not intended as an insult to the country or people in question.


You are allowed to link to this main page only. Links to any of the other pages or images may fail in the future and would tell an incomplete story to the visitor. The proper URL to use is:


One small icon-sized banknote picture can be copied and used, without modifications, on other web pages provided the icon is used as a hyperlink with the URL mentioned above. The URL to the image is:

Dutch Banknotes


(tip: use it as the image source to live link to it!)

It is not allowed to copy any of the pages or images, except the icon.jpg file as mentioned above, to another computer without prior permission of the web-page author, except for non-public, personal use.

Granted Permissions

On April 28, 1997 De Nederlandsche Bank stated, in a letter to the author, that the pages containing banknotes are in conformity with the 'Conditions for the reproduction of Dutch banknotes'.
On July 8, 1997 The Bank gave additional permission, by email, to copy and temporarily use the image of the newest 10 Guilder banknote The Bank published on their own site. The banknote was presented to the public on July 3 and distribution started September 1, 1997.


Thanks to Hans Dorland for some HTML design tips and Jeremy Roussak for the syntax and spelling checking (errors present are from later modifications by the author).

The Weesp branch office of the Rabobank had ordered a small supply of new 10 Guilder banknotes. Two days after the introduction, which was on September 1, 1997, I got five copies of the new note.

Also many thanks to the External Relations and Information Department and the Legal Department of De Nederlandsche Bank for their review of these pages and some suggestions to improve them.

...dat Jaap zeer verguld was met de pagina`s...