Gestalt Selectors List

Third Parties Software A-K

This chapter lists selector codes of which the meaning is known or documented and are installed by Third Parties software, and the first character of the selector code is in the A-K range.

!SYM (Symbionts ext [1.0] by B. Kevin Hardman)
     Returns a pointer to a structure containing the size of the System
     Heap before and after loading the INITs.

     #define gestaltSymbiontsTable '!SYM' /* Symbionts address */

*DC* (DepthCharge cp [1.2] by Maf Vosburgh)
     Returns a handle to a private data structure.

ADex (AfterDark [2.0?] by Berkeley Systems, Inc.)
     Returns a ??? to get the After Dark extensions.

     #define gestaltAfterDarkExtensions 'ADex' /* get After Dark
                                                   extensions. */

ADfd (AfterDark [2.0?] by Berkeley Systems, Inc.)
     gestaltAfterDarkFolder &M05
     Returns a pointer to a procedure that gives the DirID and vRefNum of
     the 'After Dark Files' folder.

     #define gestaltAfterDarkFolder 'ADfd'

     See for more information the AfterDark Gestalt header file. It
     is available by sending email to
     <depricated> using the command
     'archive get src/AfterDarkGestalt.h'
     Or by emailing to Berkeley Systems Mac Tech Support
     and ask them for the AfterDarkGestalt.h file.

ADrk (AfterDark [2.0] by Berkeley Systems, Inc.)
     gestaltAfterDarkAttr &M05
     Returns a longword bitmask containing public information about
     After Dark.

     enum {
     gestaltAfterDarkAttr = 'ADrk'; /* After Dark states */
     eSystemIQActive      = 0,  /* SystemIQ activity monitor active */
     eSoundActive         = 1,  /* AD has allocated a sound channel */
     eADAcquiringPassword = 2}; /* After Dark has its password dialog up */

     See for more information the AfterDark Gestalt header file. It
     is available by sending email to
     <depricated> using the command
     'archive get src/AfterDarkGestalt.h'
     Or by emailing to Berkeley Systems Mac Tech Support
     and ask them for the AfterDarkGestalt.h file.

AIM´ (AIM Menu ext [???] part of AOL Instant Messenger appl)
     Returns a pointer or handle to a private data structure
     (undocumented). (Mark DeNyse)

     #define gestaltAIM 'AIM´'

     The last byte is the option-8 (0xA5).

AlaC (A La Carte ext [1.1?] by Denali Software Development)
     Returns the address of the A La Carte INIT global data. The structure
     of the data is proprietary.  The existence of the 'AlaC' selector
     indicates that the A La Carte INIT is loaded.

     #define gestaltALaCarte? 'AlaC'

AliM (AliasMenu cp [1.0] by Benoit Widemann)
     Returns a pointer to a private data structure (undocumented).

aMac (asciiMac ext [1.1] by Alexandra Ellwood & Miro Jurisic)
     Returns a pointer to a structure with asciiMac globals,
     including asciiMac version and asciiMac screen information.

     #define gestaltAsciiMacAddr 'aMac'
     struct asciiMacGlobals {
          UInt32     asciiMacVersion; /* NumVersion */
          UInt32     globalsVersion;  /* 1 for asciiMac 1.1 */
          Ptr        mainBaseAddr;    /* base address of main screen */
          short      rowBytes;        /* number of bytes per scan row of
                                         the main screen */
          Size       worldBytes;      /* number of bytes for main screen */


ApoL (Apollo ext [1.0] by Jeremy Roussak)
     Returns a pointer to an instance of a structure.

     #define gestaltApolloTable 'ApoL' /* Apollo address */

     For details contact the author.
     (Jeremy Roussak)

ASB! (StuffIt Browser ext? [???] by Aladdin Systems, Inc.)
     Returned response is private.

ASB$ (StuffIt Browser ext? [???] by Aladdin Systems, Inc.)
     Returned response is private.

ASB* (StuffIt Browser ext? [???] by Aladdin Systems, Inc.)
     Returned response is private.

ASHI (Arashi app [???] by Juri Munkki)
     Returns information about the presence of Arashi by returning one (1)
     if loaded, and zero (0) when removed.

AsiH (Assimilator Helper ext [2.0], part of Assimilator
                                    by Stairways Software)
     Returns the state of the machine (booting, normal, restarting,
     shutting down) as a value (not attribute bits!).

     enum {
     #define gestaltAssimilatorHelperState 'AsiH'
     HS_Booting    = 1,
     HS_Normal     = 2,
     HS_Restarting = 3,
     HS_Shutdown   = 4};

Asim (Assimilator ext [1.0], part of Assimilator by Stairways Software)
     Returns a pointer to a private data structure (undocumented).

     #define gestaltAssimilatorSharedData 'Asim'

AuBu (AutoBuild ext [1.0] by Rene G.A. Ros)
     Returns the version of AutoBuild as NumVersion.

     #define gestaltAutoBuildVersion 'AuBu' /* AutoBuild version */

     NOTE: The returned version is obtained from 'vers' resource ID# 1.

aYmm (AfterDark [2.0?] by Berkeley Systems, Inc.)
     Returns a pointer? to the After Dark globals.

     #define gestaltAfterDarkGlobals 'aYmm' /* get After Dark globals. */

BBlk (Basic Black cp [1.3], by Mason L. Bliss)
     Returns the address of Basic Black's patch globals.

     #define gestaltBasicBlackAddr 'BBlk' /* Basic Black address */

     See documentation included with Basic Black for more information.

BIFF (QM Biff ext [1.0] by Patrick C. Beard)
     Determines if there is mail (QuickMail). The response long word is 1
     if you have mail, and 0 if you don't.

Cafe (Coffee Break appl [1.0] by Thomas Reed)
     Returns a pointer to a code resource owned by Coffee Break.
     Details are private.

     #define gestaltCoffeeBreakAddr? 'Cafe'

CHSR (ChooserUser cp [1.0b4] by Flux Software)
     Returned response is private.

CKI3 (AETracker cp [3.0] by C.K. Haun)
     This selector returns a pointer to the external interface routine for
     AETracker, details of which are in the AETracker interface guide.
     (C.K. Haun)

     #define kAETrackerGestalt 'CKI3' /* AETracker address */

CnMl (ConMail ext [1.3b0] by Gerard Ziemski)
     Returns a pointer to a private data structure (undocumented).

Copl (Aaron ext [1.0] by Greg Landweber)
     (Kaleidoscope ext [1.0?] by Greg Landweber)
     Returns the file refNum of the current Kaleidoscope scheme.

     #define gestaltKaleidascope? 'Copl'

     NOTE: See also 'Aarn', 'Aarp' and 'Aaru' in this section.

CsE^ (Extensions Strip app/cp [1.0] by Skidperfect Software)
     Returns a pointer to a private data structure (undocumented).

     #define gestaltExtensionsStripGlob 'CsE^'

     The last byte is the shift-6 (0x5E).

CsEs (Extensions Strip app/cp [1.0] by Skidperfect Software)
     Returns information about the installed Extensions Strip software.

     enum {
     #define gestaltExtensionsStripAttr 'CsEs'
     gestaltExtensionsStripExists = 0,
     gestaltSupportsFontTraps     = 1,  /* New font traps of Control Strip
                                           1.2 are supported */
     gestaltHasSBResolveAliasFile = 2}; /* supports the new alias
                                           resolving trap. Also: ES can
                                           run only as application. */

CsWT (Desktop Strip cp [1.0b1] by Sigurdur Asgeirsson)
     (Extensions Strip ext [???] by Skidperfect Software)
     Returns information about the installed Desktop/Extensions Strip

     enum {
     #define gestaltDesktopStripAttr? 'CsWT'
     gestaltDesktopStripPresent? = 0};

¦BgP (DBugR cp [1.0?] by Alessandro Levi Montalcini)
     Returns a pointer to a data structure with the preferences,
     identical to the data in the PREF resource, for which a template
     is included.

     NOTE: The first byte is the option-d (0xB6).

DfAp (Default App cp [1.0] by Marco Piovanelli)
     Returns a pointer to an INITGestalt structure.

EagL (Eagle ext [1.4], part of Apollo 1.1 by Jeremy Roussak)
     Returns information about the state of the Eagle background

     enum {
     #define gestaltEagleAttr? 'EagL' /* Eagle attributes */
     gestaltEaglePPCReady? = 0};      /* Eagle can accept next PPC */

FTM5 (FileTyper Menu ext [5.3], part of FileTyper suite by Daniel Azuma)
     Returns private information, the existence of this selector indicates
     FileTyper Menu is installed.

     #define gestaltTyperMenu5Priv 'FTM5'

     Third parties can determine if FileTyper Menu is installed by
     checking for the existence of this selector. However, the actual value
     returned is private and subject to change. (Daniel Azuma)
     See also the 'TExt' and 'Typ4' selectors.

FmtD (SD Extension ext [???] by Yano Electric Co.,Ltd.)
     Returned response is unknown or private. (Anonymous)

     Extension is included with the driver software for the hard disk and
     magneto optical disk drive products of Yano Electric Co.,Ltd..

FPUE (SoftwareFPU cp [3.0?] by John Neil & Associates) &M06
     Detects presence of SoftwareFPU.
     If the result of the Gestalt call is noErr, then SoftwareFPU is
     installed, and the 68881 FPU reported by the gestaltFPUType selector
     is an emulated FPU. The value returned in the response is private and
     should be ignored.

     #define gestaltSoftwareFPUAddr? 'FPUE'

FrÙP (Decor cp [1.0] by Francois Pottier)
     Returns a pointer to a structure which can be read or changed, and
     enables programmers to change the picture on the desktop.

     #define gestaltDecorAddr 'FrÙP' /* Decor address */

     See for more information on how to use this structure the
     documentation included with Decor 1.0 or later.

     The third byte is the option-c (0x8D).

Frs1 (MegaDial cp [1.0] by Cypress Research)
     Returns private information about MegaDial.

     #define gestaltMegaDialAttr? 'Frs1'

FrsH (MegaDial cp [1.0] by Cypress Research)
     Returns a pointer to a private function.

     #define gestaltMegaDialAddr? 'FrsH'

FWRT (FullWrite app [2.0] by Akimbo Systems)
     Returns a handle to a FullWrite callbacks data structure when
     FullWrite is currently running. If it is not running 0 (zero) is

     #define gestaltFullWriteInfo 'FWRT'

     See for more information the FullWrite Extension SDK (For more
     information contact Akimbo Systems)

GÊKÊ (Gestalt Kaput ext [1.0] by Des Courtney)
     Returns the version of the extension as NumVersion.

     #define gestaltGestaltKaputVersion 'GÊKÊ' /* Gestalt Kaput */

     The second and last byte are the option-t (0xA0).

Gßst (Gestalt! appl [2.9.2] by Roland Mansson)
     Returns the version of the application as NumVersion.
     GestaltValue is removed when application quits. Just for fun.
     (Roland Mansson)

     #define gestaltGestaltVersion 'Gßst' /* Gestalt! version */

     NOTE: The second byte is the option-u/a (0x8A).

Gldl (Glidel ext [2.5] by Gilles Berkovitch]
     Presence indicates the succesfull installation of the extension.

     #define gestaltGlidel? 'Gldl'

GTLK (GestaltTalk code by Brigham Stevens, Apple Computer DTS)
     Snippet code, see documentation.

GVcl (Global Village Toolbox ext [2.6.8] part of GlobalFax
                                         by Boca Research Inc.)
     Returns a pointer to private data.

GVgp (Global Village Toolbox ext [2.6.8] part of GlobalFax
                                         by Boca Research Inc.)
     Returns a pointer to private data.

GVmg (Global Village Toolbox ext [2.6.8] part of GlobalFax
                                         by Boca Research Inc.)
     Returns a pointer to private data.

GVsp (Global Village Toolbox ext [2.6.8] part of GlobalFax
                                         by Boca Research Inc.)
     Returns a pointer to private data.

GWat (GestaltWatch ext [1.0] by Scot Bronson)
     Returns pointer to structure where collected information is stored.

     NOTE: In development, not yet available.

HETE (HErbedTEe ext [1.0] by Nevin Liber, Sector Scan Software)
     Returns a pointer to private data.

ICAp (Internet Config ext? [???] by Peter Lewis & Quinn)
     Returns a pointer to a private ICSystemGlobals record.

     #define gestaltInternetConfigGlobals 'ICAp'

     The record structure is not included here because of the
     required explanational text included with the source code.
     See the ICSystemGlobals.p file of the source code in the
     public domain.
     More info at

ICTE (ICeTEe ext [1.1], part of Internet Config
                        by Quinn "The Eskimo!" and Peter N. Lewis)
     Returns the address of a record which is documented in the
     IC Programmer's Kit.

     #define gestaltInternetConfigTEAddr? 'ICTE'

idle (IdleTime INIT [1.0] by UserLand Software)
     Returns the number of clock ticks since the last keystroke, disk
     insertion,  mouse movement or mouse click.

     #define gestaltIdleTime? 'idle'

     NOTE: See also the 'Idle' selector.

Idle (The Ansel Adams Screen Saver cp [1.0] by Maf Vosburgh)
     Returns the number of clock ticks since the last keystroke, disk
     insertion,  mouse movement or mouse click.

     NOTE: See also the 'idle' selector.

IF 8 (Speak Note cp [???] by Glenn R. Howes)
     Returns information about the installed copy of Speak Note.

     enum {
     #define gestaltSpeechNoteAttr? 'IF 8'
     gestaltSpeechNoteAvailable = 0};

InMn (InternetMemory cp [1.0] by CircleDream Software)
     Returns information still private, until after the first release.

     #define gestaltInternetMemory 'InMn'

JGpm (portmapper ext [1.1b?] by Jude Giampaolo)
     Presence indicates the succesfull installation of the extension.

     #define kPortmapperApplicationSignature 'JGpm'

JMBe (SLIP Extension ? [???] part of MacSLIP by Hyde Park Software)
     (Traceroute Ethernet LAP extension [1.0] by Jim Browne)
     Returns the address of a structure as documented in the header file
     'RawIP.h' to allow application programs to perform Raw IP writes and
     filter all incoming IP packets.

     #define gestalt??? 'JMBe'

JPan (Phonomatic cp [1.0] part of JoliPhone Pro [3.5], by Benoit Widemann)
     Returns a pointer to a private data structure (undocumented).

Kals (Alias Assistant cp [TrashAlias 1.0] formerly TrashAlias,
                                          by Flux Software)
     Returned response is private.