Gestalt Selectors List

Gestalt Manager Calls

Gestalt Manager Routines

(Contributions to the Inline 68K code by Lawrence D'Oliveiro and Marco Piovanelli).

FUNCTION Gestalt (selector: OSType; VAR response: LongInt): OSErr;
     Available since System 6.0.4.
     Trap Macro
       _Gestalt (0xA1AD); (old ?: _GestaltDispatch 0xA0AD)
     Registers on entry   D0: selector code
     Registers on exit    A0: response
                          D0: result code
     Result codes
       noErr                       0   No error
       gestaltUnknownErr       -5550   Could not obtain the response
       gestaltUndefSelectorErr -5551   Undefined selector
     Inline 68K code
       $225F,  { move.l (sp)+, a1 }
       $201F,  { move.l (sp)+, d0 }
       $A1AD,  { _Gestalt }
       $2288,  { move.l a0, (a1) }
       $3E80;  { move.w d0, (sp) }

FUNCTION NewGestalt (selector: OSType; selectorfunction: ProcPtr): OSErr
     Available since System 6.0.4.
     Trap Macro
       _NewGestalt (0xA3AD)
     Registers on entry   A0: address of new selector function
                          D0: selector code
     Registers on exit    D0: result code
     Result codes
       noErr                       0   No error
       memFullErr               -108   Ran out of memory
       gestaltDupSelectorErr   -5552   Selector already exists
       gestaltLocationErr      -5553   Function not in system heap
     Inline 68K code
       $205F,  { move.l (sp)+, a0 }
       $201F,  { move.l (sp)+, d0 }
       $A3AD,  { _NewGestalt }
       $3E80;  { move.w d0, (sp) }

FUNCTION ReplaceGestalt (selector: OSType; selectorfunction: ProcPtr;
                         VAR oldGestaltFunction: ProcPtr): OSErr;
     Available since System 6.0.4.
     Trap Macro
       _ReplaceGestalt (0xA5AD)
     Registers on entry   A0: address of new selector function
                          D0: selector code
     Registers on exit    A0: address of old selector function
                          D0: result code
     Result codes
       noErr                       0   No error
       gestaltUndefSelectorErr -5551   Undefined selector
       gestaltLocationErr      -5553   Function not in system heap
     Inline 68K code
       $225F,  { move.l (sp)+, a1 }
       $205F,  { move.l (sp)+, a0 }
       $201F,  { move.l (sp)+, d0 }
       $A5AD,  { _ReplaceGestalt }
       $2288,  { move.l a0, (a1) }
       $3E80;  { move.w d0, (sp) }

Gestalt Value Routines

Please note the GestaltValue routines can be invoked through a library, but since System 7.5 the GestaltValue routines are also part of the OS. The GestaltValue routines are stack based and don't use registers.
The GestaltValue library first checks to see if trap 0xABF1 is implemented (System 7.5 and later). If trap 0xABF1 is implemented, all calls to the library are routed to this trap, otherwise the library uses embedded code. Several Apple System selectors use the GestaltValueDispatch A-trap to install the response value starting with System 7.5.
WARNING: The GestaltValue library distributed originally checks for the wrong trap (_ThreadDispatch, 0xABF2). Make sure your software doesn't crash when this trap is installed.
(Most info about the GestaltValue functions was provided by Marco Piovanelli and Dave Radcliffe).

FUNCTION NewGestaltValue (selector: OSType; newValue: LongInt): OSErr;
     Available as library and since System 7.5.
     Trap Macro                        Selector
       _GestaltValueDispatch (0xABF1)  0x0401
     Result codes
       noErr                       0   No error
       unimpErr                   -4   Unimplemented core routine
       memFullErr               -108   Ran out of memory
       (and other memory errors)
       gestaltDupSelectorErr   -5552   Selector already exists
     Inline 68K code
       $303C, $0401, $ABF1;

FUNCTION ReplaceGestaltValue (selector: OSType;
                              replacementValue: LongInt): OSErr;
     Available as library and since System 7.5.
     Trap Macro                        Selector
       _GestaltValueDispatch (0xABF1)  0x0402
     Result codes
       noErr                       0   No error
       unimpErr                   -4   Unimplemented core routine
       memFullErr               -108   Ran out of memory
       (and other memory errors)
       gestaltUndefSelectorErr -5551   Undefined selector
     Inline 68 K code
       $303C, $0402, $ABF1;

FUNCTION DeleteGestaltValue (selector: OSType): OSErr; and
FUNCTION Delete (selector: OSType): OSErr;
     Available as library and since System 7.5.
     Trap Macro                        Selector
       _GestaltValueDispatch (0xABF1)  0x0203
     Result codes
       noErr                       0   No error
       unimpErr                   -4   Unimplemented core routine
       gestaltUndefSelectorErr -5551   Undefined selector
     Inline 68K code
       $303C, $0203, $ABF1;

Undocumented Gestalt Manager Routines

FUNCTION? GetGestaltProcPtr? (selector?: OSType;
                              var selectorfunction: ProcPtr): OSErr;?
     Trap Macro
       _GetGestaltProcPtr (0xA7AD)
     Registers on entry   D0: selector code?
     Registers on exit    ??: address of selector function
     Result codes
       noErr                       0   No error

     Found in the MPW Traps Interface file on 'Bookmark CD 14'.
     Available since System 6.0.4 but code will always return error -50
     (paramErr). (Lawrence D'Oliveiro, Rene Ros)

FUNCTION SetGestaltValue (selector: OSType; newValue: LongInt): OSErr;
     Available since System 7.5?
     Trap Macro                        Selector
       _GestaltValueDispatch (0xABF1)  0x0404
     Result codes
       noErr                       0   No error

extern  pascal OSErr GetGestaltSelectors(UInt32 theCount,
                                         UInt32 skipCount,
                                         GestaltIterator *theItems);
     Available starting with Copland?
     Trap Macro                        Selector
       ???                             ???
     Result codes
       noErr                       0   No error

     struct GestaltIterator {
         UInt32   totalItems;
         UInt32   validItems;
         UInt32   iterationKey;
         OSType   theItems[1];
     typedef struct GestaltIterator GestaltIterator;

Custom Routines

This section lists functions which expand some Gestalt functions using inline assemly code.

FUNCTION GestaltSelectorZero (Selector: OSType): LongInt;
{returns the value of the specified Gestalt selector,}
{or zero if unknown.}
     Inline 68K code
       $201F,  { move.l (sp)+, d0 }
       $A1AD,  { _Gestalt }
       $6702,  { beq.s @2 }
       $91C8,  { sub.l a0, a0 }
       $2E88;  { @2: move.l a0, (sp) }
       With all the selectors that are supposed to return non-zero values
       if installed, it may be helpful to have an utility routine that
       returns a zero value (instead of an error) if a selector isn't
       installed. It's short and sweet because it makes a direct call to
       the _Gestalt trap; of course this means you can't use it on systems
       earlier than 6.0.4. (Contributed by Lawrence D'Oliveiro)

FUNCTION GestaltBitTest(Selector: OSType; BitNr: Integer): Boolean;
     Inline 68K code
       $321F,  { move.w (sp)+, d1 }
       $201F,  { move.l (sp)+, d0 }
       $A1AD,  { _Gestalt }
       $6702,  { beq.s @2 }
       $91C8,  { sub.l a0, a0 }
       $2008,  { @2: move.l a0, d0 }
       $0300,  { btst d1, d0 }
       $56C0,  { sne.b d0 }
       $4400,  { neg.b d0 }
       $1E80;  { move.b d0, (sp) }
       The GestaltBitTest is a piece of inline assembly code which tests if
       the specified bit is set in the value from the specified Gestalt
       selector (false if the Gestalt call returns an error). Example:
       GestaltBitTest(gestaltAppleEventsAttr, gestaltAppleEventsPresent)
       (Contributed by Lawrence D'Oliveiro)

FUNCTION CallGestaltDEF (selector: OSType;
                         var result: LongInt;
                         aRoutine: ProcPtr): OSErr;
    inline $205F, $4E90;
       { move.l (sp)+, a0 }
       { jsr (a0) }
       Suppose you have just loaded an GDEF resource, or replaced one and
       keep the original around and store a pointer to it somewhere
       private. Suppose next, you want to call it to obtain a response
       without using yet another selector.
       That's what the this function is useful for. Just pass it the usual
       selector and result parameters but also a pointer to the GDEF
       (Lock it if it's a relocatable block).